About us
Our vision is the cumulative effort of active members of the Redditch community, with a diverse set of skills and experience at our disposal we aim to utilise this to ensure Arch has a lasting, positive impact on anyone who takes of the advantage of the services we will provide.
We believe strong communities and inspirational individuals are shaped from their challenges and how they handle and react to these, resilience is a quality we admire. At Arch, motivating individuals and other groups to deliver positive change in their lives, and the lives of others, regardless of their upbringing and background is a key part of both our short term and long-term strategy. The greater the challenge the greater the reward – this is our belief.
Dr Mohammed Shah
Industry/Profession – Doctor (General Practitioner)
Why Arch? – “Having grown up in Redditch, I experienced first-hand what various projects can do to help bring people together and create a strong community spirit. This I believe has an undeniable impact on the wider community.
Being a Doctor (GP), I have had the privilege of not only treating the physical needs of patients but more importantly looking after their mental wellbeing. I believe the Arch project will encompass all of these ideals and have an enduring impact on the Redditch Community.
This is the reason why I have become a Trustee and will be inherently involved with this project”
Faisal Khawaja
Industry/Profession – Education
Why Arch? – “As someone who grew up in Redditch and now working in education for the past 15 years, I have seen first-hand the need to provide opportunities for all members of our community.
The Arch vision builds on values which are transferable across all walks of life and scenarios, allowing us to further appreciate and understand one another.
Providing pathways and role models for our future generations will encourage and challenge them to pursue life ambitions”
Denaz Uddin
Industry/Profession – Management (Business Development)
Why Arch? – “I have been an active member of local community sports and activities since 2009. I have been heavily involved and a participant in various organised sports and projects over the years.
When Arch asked me to become a trustee, it was a no-brainer. The vision set out by Arch was close to my heart and in line with my expectations. I truly feel that with the right work, ethics, ambition, desire and determination, we can build a positive change for the individuals and community around us”
Rizwan Khan
Industry/Profession – Education, Skills & Welfare to Work
Why Arch? – “The Arch vision and values align with my personal passions and values and as an ex-offender and someone who has directly benefited from community-based projects and initiatives throughout my youth, being a part of this vision is a privilege for me.
Arch acknowledges the value of Sports and Education and the positive impact these tools can have on individuals and communities if utilised correctly to engage and empower – this for me is profound and powerful, having delivered over 60 community projects using these means.
The arch vision is ambitious, the team are resilient, Godwilling we will leave a legacy for future generations to benefit from.”
Imam Umair Kola
Industry/Profession – Religious Education (Deputy Head Imam)
Why Arch? – “Through my role as an Imam in the Redditch Community I have witnessed first-hand the urgent work which is required to support individuals and groups within Redditch, especially the upcoming youth.
The Arch values and vision align with a personal ambition of my own to make a positive contribution to the local community – engaging all from all backgrounds.
The power of Education, Health and Fitness is tools which Arch acknowledges are great ways of bringing about real change – something I hope to support wherever I can”
Hafiz Zoheb Rehman
Senior Coach
Industry/Profession – HR/Training (Manufacturing)
Why Arch? – “Joining the Arch team was an easy decision for myself and being entrusted with the role of Senior Coach is something I am proud of.
Arch has given me the opportunity to combine my passion for education, supporting the youth and sports to help better individuals from the local Community.
The Arch vision is bold and ambitious and to be involved in a project which will impact so many lives is great for myself personally too”
Abdul Jabbar
Senior Coach
Industry/Profession – Chartered Accountant
Why Arch? – “As someone who has invested time in various local community initiatives over the past 12 years, I am all too aware of the work which is required within Redditch to ensure the current and future generations do not transgress.
Real change is needed I feel and the Arch vision is very much about challenging the status quo and providing people from all backgrounds a platform to dream, implement and achieve.
Arch will leave a legacy and it’s a pleasure to be involved with the organisation”
The foundations of the ARCH vision – Our values
Everything our hub and our people deliver will be for the benefit of the community.
Regardless of your background or beliefs – At Arch we respect your right to your beliefs.
Arch stands to create opportunities for everyone to benefit especially those from difficult or hard to reach backgrounds.
We will inspire our service users to visualise and dream – just as we did with this project.
As a charity and as individuals this is a value which defines us. We will ensure we operate with absolute transparency and do what we say we will do – with the communities’ interests in mind.
In an ever-changing world, staying adaptable is key for any organisation. We will ensure we are adaptable and flexible to allow for our organisation to be pioneers in our sector
We will offer opportunities for all with an inclusive approach where respect is shown to all as we aim to unite our community. We will ensure we are resilient and adaptable to challenges and help our service users build this quality too in themselves or their organisations. ARCH will operate with the highest levels of integrity as expected from a charity, with transparency at every stage of the process and salary caps for paid staff and no incremental bonuses attached to ensure our service users are able to receive the maximum benefit and donations have the maximum impact. This is the ARCH vision. We believe this can help create and sustain ARCH as an organisation, which will in turn help inspire many in for generations to come.