Another fantastic weekend of summer activities for the youth of Redditch!
Over 60 young people involved across our Cricket and Football community sessions. With some great feedback from parents once again.
It’s great to see so many young people involved in physical activity during their summer break from education, it’s important to keep them active and engaged!
It’s not always immediately recognizable how much positive impact two-three hours of weekly physical activity can have for people of all ages, but especially the youth. It can be the start of developing positive routines and good habits.
We hope this level of engagement continues and grows further! A massive well done to our coaching team too, doing a great job!
Many young people who have attended our sessions over the last 12-18 months have progressed to join local clubs, and really enjoying their cricket or football in a more formal environment, great to see their progression.
A shout out to the parents who make the time to push their children to partake in activities and appreciate the clear benefits that come from doing so.